Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2014, Vol. 10(1) 84-100

Pre-service Teachers' Beliefs about Using Vee Diagrams as a Report Schema in Science Education Laboratories

Gursoy Meric

pp. 84 - 100

Publish Date: February 15, 2014  |   Single/Total View: 121/382   |   Single/Total Download: 181/654


The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service teachers' beliefs and thoughts about using Vee Diagrams or Vee Maps in science education laboratories. The study's sample consists of 54 students (42 girls and 12 boys) from the elementary school education department in the science education division of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in Turkey. Data were collected from the study 'Beliefs scale for the Use of Vee Diagrams of pre-service teachers' consisting of 20 Likert-type questions,and 'Open-ended Questionnaire about the Use of Vee Diagram in science education laboratories,' which includes 10 open- ended questions. First, the students were taught about Vee maps and diagrams for one week, and then some students volunteered for the scale, questionnaire and interview-application. Data were obtained for the quantitative and qualitative parts of the study. A-mixed methods design was used. Results indicate that pre-service teachers have positive beliefs towards the use of Vee diagrams in science education laboratories and there is a cross-relation between their beliefs and correct drawings for Vee diagrams.

Keywords: Attitudes, beliefs, pre-service teachers, science education laboratories, thoughts, Vee-diagrams

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Meric, G. (2014). Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Using Vee Diagrams as a Report Schema in Science Education Laboratories. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(1), 84-100.

Meric, G. (2014). Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Using Vee Diagrams as a Report Schema in Science Education Laboratories. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(1), pp. 84-100.

Chicago 16th edition
Meric, Gursoy (2014). "Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Using Vee Diagrams as a Report Schema in Science Education Laboratories". International Journal of Progressive Education 10 (1):84-100.

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