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International Journal of Progressive Education 2013, Vol. 9(3) 124-136

Looking from Within: Prospects and Challenges for Progressive Education in Indonesia

Teuku Zulfikar

pp. 124 - 136

Publish Date: October 15, 2013  |   Number of Views: 436  |  Number of Download: 686


Many Indonesian scholars (Azra, 2002; Darmaningtyas, 2004; Yunus, 2004), have attempted to bring progressive education to their country. They believe that progressive practices such  as critical thinking, critical dialogue and child-centered instruction will help students learn better. However, this implementation is resisted because of cultural constraints and different philosophical beliefs, from which Indonesian education is historically based. In Indonesia, rote learning and teacher-centered classrooms, for instance, are still seen by some as appropriate. This article examines this tension between progressive and traditional Indonesian educational philosophies. It focuses particularly on child-centered instruction (CCI), and discusses the likelihood of its implementation in the Indonesian educational context.

Keywords: Indonesia, progressive education, child-centered learning, cultural constraints, critical thinking

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APA 7th edition
Zulfikar, T. (2013). Looking from Within: Prospects and Challenges for Progressive Education in Indonesia. International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(3), 124-136.

Zulfikar, T. (2013). Looking from Within: Prospects and Challenges for Progressive Education in Indonesia. International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(3), pp. 124-136.

Chicago 16th edition
Zulfikar, Teuku (2013). "Looking from Within: Prospects and Challenges for Progressive Education in Indonesia". International Journal of Progressive Education 9 (3):124-136.

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