International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2011, Vol. 7(1) 6-27

KEMET Academy: A University Outreach Model for Addressing the   Wholeness of Learning in a Rural Context

Dannielle Joy Davis, Denise Davis-Maye, Chippewa M. Thomas, Cheryl Seals, Dorienna M. Alfred, Lucretia Octavia Tripp, Kimberly L. King-Jupiter, & Garnetta Laverne Lovett

pp. 6 - 27   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2011.004

Published online: February 15, 2011  |   Number of Views: 136  |  Number of Download: 325


This work introduces a model of university outreach in rural communities which promotes increasing post-secondary options for rural dwelling African American youth. KEMET (Knowledge and Excellence in Mathematics, Equilibrium, and Technology) Academy is a comprehensive academic enrichment program targeting African American students enrolled in under-resourced schools and communities across Alabama’s rural Black Belt region. The group comprised 48 intermediate level students in four counties. Drawing upon professors representing two land grant institutions, KEMET faculty engaged KEMET Scholars in activities designed to enhance skills in reading comprehension and application, mathematics, science, computing, decision-making, as well as health and wellness during a two-week summer program and tri-monthly “Saturday Academies” annually, for over a five year period. Facilitators of the program found it effective in meeting its overall objectives of enhancing the academic and cultural enrichment experiences of rural youth.

Keywords: Knowledge, Excellence, Mathematics, University Outreach, Technology

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Davis, D.J., Davis-Maye, D., Thomas, C.M., Seals, C., Alfred, D.M., Tripp, L.O., King-Jupiter, K.L. & Lovett, G.L. (2011). KEMET Academy: A University Outreach Model for Addressing the   Wholeness of Learning in a Rural Context . International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(1), 6-27.

Davis, D., Davis-Maye, D., Thomas, C., Seals, C., Alfred, D., Tripp, L., King-Jupiter, K. and Lovett, G. (2011). KEMET Academy: A University Outreach Model for Addressing the   Wholeness of Learning in a Rural Context . International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(1), pp. 6-27.

Chicago 16th edition
Davis, Dannielle Joy, Denise Davis-Maye, Chippewa M. Thomas, Cheryl Seals, Dorienna M. Alfred, Lucretia Octavia Tripp, Kimberly L. King-Jupiter and Garnetta Laverne Lovett (2011). "KEMET Academy: A University Outreach Model for Addressing the   Wholeness of Learning in a Rural Context ". International Journal of Progressive Education 7 (1):6-27.

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