International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2009, Vol. 5(3) 25-40

Preservice Teachers’ Changes in Attitudes About Issues of   Language*

Hakan Dedeoglu , & Lamme, L., Linda

pp. 25 - 40   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2009.003

Published online: October 15, 2009  |   Number of Views: 20  |  Number of Download: 418


Given the overwhelming body of research addressing the cultural gap between preservice teachers and the students they will ultimately teach, the research concerned the examination of preservice teachers’ attitudes toward to issues of  language  in  college classes so as to improve the multicultural aspect of educational courses.  We used statistical analyses of survey results filled out by two hundred seventy four preservice teachers as sources of data for addressing students’ changes of attitudes related to language issues. Statistical analyses of the data indicate the closing gap between students who had lower scores and higher scores on the pre surveys. The implications for multicultural education and, professional development are   discussed.

Keywords: Language, Multicultural education, Personal and Professional Beliefs, Diversity, Attitudes

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Dedeoglu, H., Lamme, , L., & Linda, (2009). Preservice Teachers’ Changes in Attitudes About Issues of   Language* . International Journal of Progressive Education, 5(3), 25-40.

Dedeoglu, H., Lamme, , L., and Linda, (2009). Preservice Teachers’ Changes in Attitudes About Issues of   Language* . International Journal of Progressive Education, 5(3), pp. 25-40.

Chicago 16th edition
Dedeoglu, Hakan, Lamme, L. and Linda (2009). "Preservice Teachers’ Changes in Attitudes About Issues of   Language* ". International Journal of Progressive Education 5 (3):25-40.

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