International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2017, Vol. 13(3) 6-15

High School Students’ Gender Role Perceptions Regarding Various Professions

Abdullah Atli

pp. 6 - 15   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2017.023

Published online: October 08, 2017  |   Number of Views: 943  |  Number of Download: 1125


This survey study aims to determine the gender role perceptions of high school students regarding several professions. 724 female (56.9%) and 548 male (43.1%) formed the sample of a total of 1272 high school students. The “Gender Role Perceptions regarding Various Professions Questionnaire” was used to determine the gender role perceptions of high school students based on various professions. The findings demonstrated that high school students perceived the professions of teacher, doctor, lawyer, psychologist, and dentist suitable for both male and female gender equally (neutral occupations). High school students perceived the professions of district governor (public administration), military officer, policeman, engineer, judge, prosecutor and architect as predominantly male occupations. On the other hand, students perceived the professions of nurse and dietician as mainly female occupations. The study findings demonstrated that high school students classify various professions as strictly male or female professions. These results demonstrated the significance of school psychological counselors who provide counseling services to students during the career selection process to raise awareness of the students by organizing group guidance activities on gender role perceptions and possible outcomes of various professions.

Keywords: gender role perception, professions, choice of profession, high school students

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Atli, A. (2017). High School Students’ Gender Role Perceptions Regarding Various Professions. International Journal of Progressive Education, 13(3), 6-15.

Atli, A. (2017). High School Students’ Gender Role Perceptions Regarding Various Professions. International Journal of Progressive Education, 13(3), pp. 6-15.

Chicago 16th edition
Atli, Abdullah (2017). "High School Students’ Gender Role Perceptions Regarding Various Professions". International Journal of Progressive Education 13 (3):6-15.


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