International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2017, Vol. 13(3) 16-30

Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about the Teaching Knowledge Test

Adem Beldağ

pp. 16 - 30   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2017.024

Published online: October 08, 2017  |   Number of Views: 652  |  Number of Download: 1014


The aim of this study is to determine pre-service social studies teachers’ views about the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). The study was conducted within the framework of case-study  which is one of the qualitative research methods. The study-group consists of 13 pre-service teachers. Two semi-structured interview forms were used to collect data. Descriptive analysis approach was utilized for the analysis of the collected data. Upon reviewing of the results, it was seen that during the interviews both before and after the exam, pre-service teachers were of the opinion that the content knowledge test should be continued to be conducted; that  the number of questions in the exam is not sufficient to measure the content knowledge; that giving weight to undergraduate academic lessons will have an affirmative contribution to this exam.

Keywords: Social studies, Teaching Knowledge Test, teacher training

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Beldag, A. (2017). Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about the Teaching Knowledge Test . International Journal of Progressive Education, 13(3), 16-30.

Beldag, A. (2017). Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about the Teaching Knowledge Test . International Journal of Progressive Education, 13(3), pp. 16-30.

Chicago 16th edition
Beldag, Adem (2017). "Pre-service Social Studies Teachers’ Views about the Teaching Knowledge Test ". International Journal of Progressive Education 13 (3):16-30.


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