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International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(2) 19-36

Eliminating Reading Difficulty in an Elementary 4th Grade Student Based on Learning Style

Metin Gül & Olcay Özdemir

pp. 19 - 36   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.534.2

Publish Date: April 01, 2023  |   Number of Views: 507  |  Number of Download: 807


This study determines and corrects reading mistakes made during oral reading by a fourth grader with reading difficulty, and examines the effects of learning styles in reading comprehension development. Designed with the action research method, the study was conducted with a student from a state primary school in one of the city of Black Sea region selected in line with the purpose of the study. In the determination of the student participating in the research, "critical situation sampling’’ method which is one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used. Even though the student had no mental, auditory or visual insufficiency, her reading comprehension success is under peer averages, experienced a lot of difficulty and made many mistakes during oral reading. The study conducted with this student experiencing reading difficulty lasted 49 hours over twelve weeks. According to the Marmara Learning Styles Scale, the student’s dominant learning preference is ‘‘tactile learning style”. Therefore, the student’s sense of touch was engaged with word box strategy, sandpit activity and the method of dictation. In order to improve his reading comprehension skill, the story mapping method was used. As a result of the 49-hour practice, the grade 2 word recognition and reading comprehension level rose from the “Frustration Level’’ to grade 4 word recognition and reading comprehension level known as the ‘’Independent Level’’. The story mapping method is rather successful in developing the reading comprehension success of students with reading difficulty. The results of the study revealed that reading difficulty can be eliminated with reading practice based on learning styles.

Keywords: Fluent Reading, Story Mapping Method, Reading Difficulty, Learning Styles

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APA 7th edition
Gul, M., & Ozdemir, O. (2023). Eliminating Reading Difficulty in an Elementary 4th Grade Student Based on Learning Style. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(2), 19-36. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.534.2

Gul, M. and Ozdemir, O. (2023). Eliminating Reading Difficulty in an Elementary 4th Grade Student Based on Learning Style. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(2), pp. 19-36.

Chicago 16th edition
Gul, Metin and Olcay Ozdemir (2023). "Eliminating Reading Difficulty in an Elementary 4th Grade Student Based on Learning Style". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (2):19-36. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.534.2

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