Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(4) 118-128
pp. 118 - 128 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.579.8
Publish Date: August 01, 2023 | Number of Views: 415 | Number of Download: 542
This study aims to examine the relationship between perceptions of self-efficacy and occupational anxiety of prospective physical education teachers. For this purpose, a total of 140 prospective physical education teachers, 55 females and 85 males, who were studying in physical education and sports teaching departments and who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study, participated in the study. The self-efficacy scale, which was developed by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy and examined for validity and reliability by Çapa et al., and Occupational Anxiety Scale for Physical Education Teachers, which was developed by McCormack and validity and examined for reliability by Özer et al., were conducted with the prospective physical education teachers. According to the findings obtained in the study, significant differences were determined in the variables of self-efficacy status, gender and doing licensed sports, while no significant difference was determined according to the variable of choosing the physical education teaching department. Moreover, it was determined that there was a moderate correlation between self-efficacy and occupational anxiety.
Keywords: Physical Education, Self-efficacy, Occupational Anxiety
APA 7th edition
Kurak, K. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship Between Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Occupational Anxiety of Prospective Physical Education Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(4), 118-128. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.579.8
Kurak, K. (2023). Investigation of the Relationship Between Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Occupational Anxiety of Prospective Physical Education Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(4), pp. 118-128.
Chicago 16th edition
Kurak, Kemal (2023). "Investigation of the Relationship Between Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Occupational Anxiety of Prospective Physical Education Teachers". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (4):118-128. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.579.8