International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(5) 41-58

Development of the Inventory of Orientations in Curriculum Theories (IOCT) for Pre-Service Teachers

Ersin Türe

pp. 41 - 58   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2308-28-0001

Published online: October 16, 2023  |   Number of Views: 81  |  Number of Download: 276


It is known that pre-service teacher training has an impact on orientations, beliefs, and views on teaching and teaching practices. In addition, it was determined that the curriculum theory orientations scale for teachers developed by Türe & Bıkmaz (2023) was not suitable for the sample of undergraduate students of the faculty of education. Because there are structural differences between the teacher sample and the undergraduate student sample. Faculty of Education undergraduate students are individuals who continue to be trained with the aim of training teachers. On the other hand, the pre-service teachers of the sample in which the scale could be developed and applied was selected from third and fourth-year undergraduate students who had completed the course on “Curriculum”. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a measurement tool that will determine the curriculum theory orientations of undergraduate students studying in education faculties. In this study, a measurement tool was developed to determine the orientations of pre-service teachers regarding curriculum theories. The IOCT for prospective teachers consists of three scales: OSPCT, OSDCT and OSCECT. OSPCT for pre-service teachers consists of two factors 19 items; OSDCT for pre-service teachers consists of two factors 12 items and OSCECT for pre-service teachers consists of three factors, 19 items. It has been revealed that the structure and items of the scales in the IOCT developed for pre-service teachers differ from the structure and items of the scales in the IOCT developed for teachers by Türe & Bıkmaz (2023).

Keywords: Development of the Inventory of Orientations in Curriculum Theories (IOCT) for Pre-Service Teachers

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ture, E. (2023). Development of the Inventory of Orientations in Curriculum Theories (IOCT) for Pre-Service Teachers . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(5), 41-58. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2023.603.4

Ture, E. (2023). Development of the Inventory of Orientations in Curriculum Theories (IOCT) for Pre-Service Teachers . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(5), pp. 41-58.

Chicago 16th edition
Ture, Ersin (2023). "Development of the Inventory of Orientations in Curriculum Theories (IOCT) for Pre-Service Teachers ". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (5):41-58. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2023.603.4.

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