Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(6) 99-116

Professional Development Through a Web-Based Education System: Opinions of Middle School Mathematics Teachers

Dilek Tanışlı, Gözde Ayber, Nilüfer Köse & Melih Turgut

pp. 99 - 116   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.179.8

Publish Date: December 31, 2018  |   Number of Views: 1044  |  Number of Download: 1990


A web-based education system was designed within the scope of a project to ensure the professional development of middle school mathematics teachers. This system was designed in a way to allow teachers to prepare a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory and lesson plan related to the algebra learning content and also to give feedback to these contents prepared. In this study, it was aimed to determine teachers’ opinions about such web-based education system. In line with this aim, at the end of application, semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve mathematics teachers. In this study, phenomenology, one of the qualitative research designs, was adopted, and thematic analysis was used in the analysis of data. Accordingly, six main themes regarding the process taking place from the design stage to the application stage of the web-based education system were specified to determine the opinions of teachers regarding the system. According to the results obtained, it was observed that teachers generally liked the design of the system. When teachers’ opinions about the strengths and weaknesses of the system are examined, the strengths are the facts that it makes teachers prepare lesson plans and that the system enables to revise these lesson plans prepared in line with the reflective questions and feedback received from moderators. Regarding the weak aspect of the system, only one teacher expressed his/her opinion that integrating the theoretical knowledge in the feedback of moderators into the class does not apply to all learning environments. The general opinion of teachers about their satisfaction with the web-based education system is that they are satisfied with the system. They emphasized that teachers get detailed information about certain algebraic concepts and integrate this information into their teaching thanks to expert opinions they receive. Furthermore, it was observed that teachers agree that the system is useful in recognising their own shortcomings and mistakes.

Keywords: Professional development, Learning trajectory, Web-based education system, Middle school mathematics teachers, Mathematics education

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APA 7th edition
Tanisli, D., Ayber, G., Kose, N., & Turgut, M. (2018). Professional Development Through a Web-Based Education System: Opinions of Middle School Mathematics Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(6), 99-116. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.179.8

Tanisli, D., Ayber, G., Kose, N. and Turgut, M. (2018). Professional Development Through a Web-Based Education System: Opinions of Middle School Mathematics Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(6), pp. 99-116.

Chicago 16th edition
Tanisli, Dilek, Gozde Ayber, Nilufer Kose and Melih Turgut (2018). "Professional Development Through a Web-Based Education System: Opinions of Middle School Mathematics Teachers". International Journal of Progressive Education 14 (6):99-116. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2018.179.8

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