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International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(1) 100-115

A Descriptive Content Analysis towards Mathematics Teaching Papers in International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium (USOS)

Sedat Turgut

pp. 100 - 115   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.184.7

Publish Date: February 06, 2019  |   Number of Views: 1020  |  Number of Download: 1882


The existing and further scientific studies about the nature, development and evaluation of mathematical efficacy will direct mathematics teaching. Scientific proofs will provide making improvements, making effective decisions, updating curriculums in mathematics teaching. At this point, it can be stated that national and international scientific meetings have an effective role. International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium (USOS) held in Turkey in the field of elementary teaching education is an important scientific event where the studies conducted about the field are shared with scientists, undergraduates and graduates, and teachers. In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the papers towards mathematics teaching presented within the scope of USOS and published in proceeding book in last five years via descriptive content analysis. Thus, it is considered that contributive information can be presented to the researchers by providing a holistic viewpoint to mathematics teaching in primary school. As a consequence of the research, it has been determined that the number of studies conducted about mathematics teaching has increased in last five years. In terms of publishing language, the studies are in Turkish. The studies were generally conducted by academics and two authors. All of the researches related to mathematics education were conducted by Turkish researchers although USOS is an international scientific event. In terms of research field, it has been seen that the number of the studies done in the field of geometry and examining mathematics and geometry together is quite few. Mostly the studies related to problems and numbers were focused in terms of mathematics subject. In terms of study group/sample, the researches were conducted with elementary students, pre-service elementary teachers and elementary teachers. In terms of research model/pattern, survey and case studies were preferred by a majority. Besides, it has been recognized that the information of research model/pattern was not stated in a majority of researches. As a data collection tool; test, interview form, scale, open-ended question and questionnaire were mostly used. Again in some studies, the information about data collection tool was not given. As data analysis technique, content analysis and predictive statistical techniques were most commonly used. In a majority of the studies, the information about data analysis technique was not given.

Keywords: Elementary teaching, Descriptive content analysis, Mathematics teaching, Symposium, Paper

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APA 7th edition
Turgut, S. (2019). A Descriptive Content Analysis towards Mathematics Teaching Papers in International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium (USOS). International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(1), 100-115. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.184.7

Turgut, S. (2019). A Descriptive Content Analysis towards Mathematics Teaching Papers in International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium (USOS). International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(1), pp. 100-115.

Chicago 16th edition
Turgut, Sedat (2019). "A Descriptive Content Analysis towards Mathematics Teaching Papers in International Classroom Teaching Education Symposium (USOS)". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (1):100-115. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.184.7

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