Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(3) 1-12

Examination the Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Secondary School Sixth Grade Students

Özgür Babayiğit

pp. 1 - 12   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.193.1

Publish Date: June 03, 2019  |   Number of Views: 1132  |  Number of Download: 2112


The aim of this study is to investigate the use of metacognitive reading strategies of the sixth grade middle school students. The method of this research is survey design. Multistage cluster sampling was used to determine the sample. The sample of the study consisted of 388 students attending five public schools randomly selected. The sample of the students consisted of 200 girls; 188 are boys. The metacognitive reading questionnaire was used to determine the metacognitive reading strategies used by the students. The metacognitive reading strategies scale was applied by the researcher in the classroom environment. The survey was conducted by the researcher. The data obtained as a result of these applications were uploaded to the computer, the percentage, frequency, t test results were reached by using SPSS 20. According to the results of the study, sixth grade students frequently use pre-reading, pre- and post-metacognitive reading strategies, and less frequently recall strategies. Students pay attention to the parts that are important in the text and evaluate the text and comprehension status after reading.

Keywords: Sixth grade, metacognition, reading, strategy.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Babayigit, O. (2019). Examination the Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Secondary School Sixth Grade Students. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(3), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.193.1

Babayigit, O. (2019). Examination the Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Secondary School Sixth Grade Students. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(3), pp. 1-12.

Chicago 16th edition
Babayigit, Ozgur (2019). "Examination the Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Secondary School Sixth Grade Students". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (3):1-12. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.193.1

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