International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(4) 47-65

An Investigation into Teacher Burnout in Relatıon To Some Varibles

Mehmet Ali Akın

pp. 47 - 65   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-1905-18-0003

Published online: August 02, 2019  |   Number of Views: 442  |  Number of Download: 1171


In organizations with intense human relations, due to reasons such as the business environment, the intensity of competition and the high number of expectations, employees could be expected to experience such negativeness as mental and emotional tiredness, anxiety, stress, and low performance. In other words, due to the reasons listed above, employees may experience a sense of burnout. Teaching is one of the professions in which intense relationships and related burnout are experienced. Therefore, research aims to describe the phenomenon of burnout experienced by teachers.

The aim of the study is to describe the perceptions of teachers about burnout levels. In this context, it was investigated whether there was a significant difference between teachers' perceptions of burnout levels according to gender, type of duty, branch, marital status, school type and child status.

The research is designed as mixed research (both quantitative and qualitative).  “Maslach Burnout Inventory” were used in order to collect the quantitative data of the study, and semi-structured interview form were used to collect qualitative data of the study.

The research population consists of 3478 teachers working in the central Yenişehir district of Diyarbakır province. The sample size of the quantitative dimension was 460 for the 95% confidence level and 30 for the qualitative data.

In the study, arithmetic mean and standard deviation were used in the analysis of quantitative data, and in the evaluation of variables, for F values that are significant with t-test and ANOVA, Tukey HSD test was used to determine the source of the difference. The significance level of the statistical analysis was evaluated as 0.05. In the analysis of qualitative data, direct quotations are given.

Some of the results of the research can be summarized as follows:

1. Participant perceptions of the sub-dimensions of burnout according to gender variable are negative. Whereas in some studies, a significant difference was found between the participants' perceptions, there was no significant difference in other studies.


2. According to the type of task, sometimes teachers and sometimes managers have more burnout than the other.

3. There was no significant difference between teachers' perceptions according to the branch variable. However, a significant difference was found between teachers' perceptions of burnout in some sub-dimensions.

4. In respect to the marital status variable, participants' perceptions of burnout differed according to the sub-dimensions of burnout.

5. In respect to the school type variable, the participants' perceptions of burnout differed according to the sub-dimensions of burnout.

6. According to the child status variable, the participants' perceptions of burnout differed depending on whether they have children or not.

According to gender, type of duty, branch, marital status, school type, and child status variables, both quantitative and qualitative researches can be done in the primary, secondary and high schools to determine the reasons for the burnout of teachers and their solution offers.

Keywords: Teacher, Burnout, Teacher Burnout

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Akin, M.A. (2019). An Investigation into Teacher Burnout in Relatıon To Some Varibles . International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 47-65. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2019.203.4

Akin, M. (2019). An Investigation into Teacher Burnout in Relatıon To Some Varibles . International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), pp. 47-65.

Chicago 16th edition
Akin, Mehmet Ali (2019). "An Investigation into Teacher Burnout in Relatıon To Some Varibles ". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (4):47-65. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2019.203.4.

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