Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(4) 108-129

A Systematic Review of Critical Factors Regarding ICT Use in Teaching and Learning

M. Kemal Aydın & Mehmet Gürol

pp. 108 - 129   |  DOI:

Publish Date: August 02, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 455/1.245   |   Single/Total Download: 628/2.362


ICT use has gained currency in the realm of education for about three decades. This has led to a proliferation of ICT research studies in educational settings, which has also made it more challenging for ICT practitioners and researchers to keep up with the current trends and identify the research gaps in the literature. In regard to this, the present review intends to summarize critical factors pertinent to ICT use addressed in the reviewed papers. The paper also discusses what direction future ICT research might go. As a guideline in the current review study, the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) was employed. The review results extracted from our qualitative synthesis were presented and based on the results a generic model illustrating ICT related student, teacher and school conditions was proposed. Finally, a list of implications for future research was also provided for ICT practitioners and researchers.

Keywords: ICT use; Systematic review; ICT adoption, ICT framework

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APA 7th edition
Aydin, M.K., & Gurol, M. (2019). A Systematic Review of Critical Factors Regarding ICT Use in Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), 108-129.

Aydin, M. and Gurol, M. (2019). A Systematic Review of Critical Factors Regarding ICT Use in Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(4), pp. 108-129.

Chicago 16th edition
Aydin, M. Kemal and Mehmet Gurol (2019). "A Systematic Review of Critical Factors Regarding ICT Use in Teaching and Learning". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (4):108-129.

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