International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(5) 32-41

Statistics Anxiety of Graduate Students

Tugay Tutkun

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 202 551
  France 91 98
Unknown 39 106
  Australia 29 45
  Turkey 28 54
  United Kingdom 23 51
  Russian Federation 18 25
  China 12 17
  Thailand 10 13
  Malaysia 9 14
  India 8 12
  Indonesia 5 9
  Canada 4 8
  Germany 4 5
  Singapore 3 5
  Philippines 3 18
  Pakistan 2 5
  Korea, Republic of 2 2
  Botswana 2 2
  Hong Kong 1 2
  Colombia 1 4
  South Africa 1 2
  Switzerland 1 2
  Nigeria 1 1
  Saudi Arabia 1 2
  Greece 1 3
  Ghana 1 2
  Egypt 1 1
  Spain 1 2
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 1 1
  Japan 1 1
  Finland 1 1
  Europe 1 1
  Bulgaria 1 1
  Morocco 1 1
  Norway 1 2
  Sweden 1 2
  Jordan 1 2
Unknown 1 2
  Denmark 1 1
  Belarus 0 1
  Kenya 0 3
  Taiwan 0 2
  Guyana 0 1
  Sri Lanka 0 1
  Netherlands 0 2
  United Arab Emirates 0 2
  Jamaica 0 1
  Romania 0 2
  Belgium 0 1
  New Zealand 0 1
  Puerto Rico 0 1
  Austria 0 1
  Costa Rica 0 1
  Brazil 0 3
  Poland 0 1
  Italy 0 1
Total 57 countries