Original article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(6) 83-101
pp. 83 - 101 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.215.6
Publish Date: December 08, 2019 | Number of Views: 981 | Number of Download: 1793
The aim of this research is to detect the effect of teachers’ genders on mobbing they experienced at schools. As one of the methods used to synthesize research results, meta-analysis method was used in this study. It was determined that there are 72 studies which are deemed appropriate for the inclusion criteria of meta-analysis study. In this meta-analysis study, 72 studies which form a sample consisting of 24954 people were calculated. As a result of the process of combining in random effects model, a statistically significant ES which was at the level of -0.02 was found in favour of male teachers. When results are evaluated together, it is observed that there is a difference, which may not be considered significant, between male and female teachers in terms of teachers’ perceptions about AM at school. As a result of the conducted moderator analysis, moderator effects of publishing type (p=0,03), of education level (p=0,03), and of gender of the researcher (p=0,02) were determined. It was observed that while mobbing perception of male teachers are higher in studies carried out in master’s and doctoral theses, mobbing perception of female teachers are higher in studies carried out in articles. Moderator effects of school type (public, private, and public/private) (p=0,63) and of the region where the research was carried out (p=0,17) could not be determined. It was observed that mobbing perception of female teachers who work in Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia are higher compared to other regions.
Keywords: Mobbing, Teacher, Gender, Meta-analysis
APA 7th edition
Aytac, T. (2019). The Effect of Gender on Mobbing Experienced by Teachers at School: A Meta-Analysis Study. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(6), 83-101. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.215.6
Aytac, T. (2019). The Effect of Gender on Mobbing Experienced by Teachers at School: A Meta-Analysis Study. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(6), pp. 83-101.
Chicago 16th edition
Aytac, Tufan (2019). "The Effect of Gender on Mobbing Experienced by Teachers at School: A Meta-Analysis Study". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (6):83-101. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2019.215.6