Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(1) 479-497

The Effectiveness of an Early Intervention Program Developed based on Naturalistic Teaching Processes (DÖDEM) for Children with Down Syndrome and Their Families in Turkey

Gozde Tomrıs & İbrahim Halil Diken

pp. 479 - 497   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 226/724   |   Single/Total Download: 301/1.188


Introduction: The main focus of early intervention is to strengthen the interaction of parents with young children with disabilities, and to ensure that parents become active participants in the development and education of their children. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of an Early Intervention Program based on Naturalistic Teaching (DÖDEM), which has been developed in order to strengthen the interaction of parents with their children with Down syndrome and to introduce naturalistic teaching strategies to them.

Methods: The DÖDEM program was provided face-to-face through group family training sessions and home visits for a group of participants, while it was followed remotely by another group of participants via a tablet computer. The study was conducted with 10 parents and their children with Down syndrome aged 25-48 months. A mixed method research design was used in this study.

Results: The findings demonstrate that the parents in both groups made significant progress in interactional behaviours and increased the usage frequency of naturalistic teaching strategies. Furthermore, parents think that the program contributes positively to their interactions with their children and support the development of their children.

Conclusion: The results obtained demonstrated that following the DÖDEM program in both ways contributed to significant improvement in the parents' interactional behaviours and the frequency of use of naturalistic teaching strategies. Thus, it can be said that this process has led to a change in both the parents' and children's behaviours.

Keywords: Parent-Child Interaction, Naturalistic Teaching, Parent-Implemented Interventions, Face-To-Face Parent Education, Offline Distance Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Tomris, G., & Diken, I.H. (2021). The Effectiveness of an Early Intervention Program Developed based on Naturalistic Teaching Processes (DÖDEM) for Children with Down Syndrome and Their Families in Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), 479-497.

Tomris, G. and Diken, I. (2021). The Effectiveness of an Early Intervention Program Developed based on Naturalistic Teaching Processes (DÖDEM) for Children with Down Syndrome and Their Families in Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), pp. 479-497.

Chicago 16th edition
Tomris, Gozde and Ibrahim Halil Diken (2021). "The Effectiveness of an Early Intervention Program Developed based on Naturalistic Teaching Processes (DÖDEM) for Children with Down Syndrome and Their Families in Turkey". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (1):479-497.

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