International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(2) 275-291

Investigation of the Effect of Teacher Training Programs on Reflective Thinking: ALACT Model

Gökhan Kaya & Servet Öz

pp. 275 - 291   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2008-25-0003.R1

Published online: April 07, 2021  |   Number of Views: 342  |  Number of Download: 732


The purpose of the current study is to investigate the contribution of teacher training programs to the development of reflective thinking in pre-service teachers and the state of their using reflective thinking skills according to the ALACT model. Although the study carried out is quantitatively-focused research, the methods of qualitative research were used to show how the participants used the examined variable. Therefore, the study was conducted using an exploratory mixed design. The study participants are 277 first-year and fourth-year pre-service teachers (211 females and 66 males) attending a state university. The participants of the qualitative dimension of the study are 20 fourth-year pre-service teachers selected through the convenience sampling method. As data collection tools, the "Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale (RTTS)", reflective thinking writings, and teacher training programs were used. According to the ANCOVA results, there is no significant difference between the pre-service teachers who are in the first year of their undergraduate education and the pre-service teachers who are in the last year of their undergraduate education. It was also concluded that the fourth-year pre-service teachers did not experience any reflective thinking process in the majority of their applications, and the ones who experienced such a process experienced it at the basic level (1st-3rd level). In light of the findings of the current study, it can be suggested that reflective thinking skills should be emphasized more clearly and that teacher training programs should be structured according to various reflective thinking models such as ALACT.

Keywords: Pre-Service Teacher, Reflective Thinking, ALACT Model, Teacher Training Programs

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kaya, G. & Oz, S. (2021). Investigation of the Effect of Teacher Training Programs on Reflective Thinking: ALACT Model . International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(2), 275-291. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2021.332.17

Kaya, G. and Oz, S. (2021). Investigation of the Effect of Teacher Training Programs on Reflective Thinking: ALACT Model . International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(2), pp. 275-291.

Chicago 16th edition
Kaya, Gokhan and Servet Oz (2021). "Investigation of the Effect of Teacher Training Programs on Reflective Thinking: ALACT Model ". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (2):275-291. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2021.332.17.

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