Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(3) 172-188
Martina Riedler & Mustafa Yunus Eryaman
pp. 172 - 188 | Manu. Number: ijpe.2016.037
Published online: October 01, 2016 | Number of Views: 393 | Number of Download: 1163
There is consensus in the literature that teacher education programs exhibit the characteristics of complex systems. These characteristics of teacher education programs as complex systems challenges the conventional, teacher-directed/ textbook-based positivist approaches in teacher education literature which has tried to reduce the complexities and ambiguities of the life in teacher education programs to something knowable, measurable and controllable. The increasing interest towards complexity in teacher education has brought with it some challenging questions which this narrative research study aims to address: what is complexity and ambiguity in teaching and teacher education? Do preservice teachers identify or do they experience complexity in classrooms? How do preservice teachers deal with diversity, complexity and ambiguity in their teaching practices? What kind of strategies do preservice teachers develop to deal with complexity and ambiguity in diverse school settings? How do preservice teachers define and interpret Practical Wisdom, Pedagogical Fitness and Tact of Teaching to deal with complexity and ambiguity in culturally diverse classrooms?
Keywords: Practical Wisdom, Pedagogical Fitness, Tact of Teaching, Complexity, Diversity, Ambiguity, Teacher Education, Narrative Inquiry
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