International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2013, Vol. 9(3) 14-33

“Escuela Nueva” in Spain: Origins and Implications in Teacher Professional Development for the 21st Century

Iván M. Jorrín Abellán, Sara Villagrá Sobrino, & Sara García Sastre

pp. 14 - 33   |  Manu. Number: ijpe.2013.003

Published online: October 15, 2013  |   Number of Views: 55  |  Number of Download: 389


During the Spanish Second Republican government (April 1931-July 1939), there was an institutional initiative in the country called ―Misiones Pedagógicas‖, deeply based in the early Deweyan conception of Progressive Education. The aim of this project was bringing access to culture, entertainment and some sort of progress to rural areas by using media artefacts available at the time, though also representing a far-reaching attempt at social and cultural regeneration of the country.

Keywords: progressive education, teacher professional development, Escuela Nueva, Spain, Ana de Austria, information and computer technology

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APA 6th edition
Abellán, I.M.J., Sobrino, S.V. & Sastre, S.G. (2013). “Escuela Nueva” in Spain: Origins and Implications in Teacher Professional Development for the 21st Century . International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(3), 14-33.

Abellán, I., Sobrino, S. and Sastre, S. (2013). “Escuela Nueva” in Spain: Origins and Implications in Teacher Professional Development for the 21st Century . International Journal of Progressive Education, 9(3), pp. 14-33.

Chicago 16th edition
Abellán, Iván M. Jorrín, Sara Villagrá Sobrino and Sara García Sastre (2013). "“Escuela Nueva” in Spain: Origins and Implications in Teacher Professional Development for the 21st Century ". International Journal of Progressive Education 9 (3):14-33.

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