Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2022, Vol. 18(3) 226-243

The Effect of Activity-Based Poetry Studies on Reading Fluency and Creative Writing Skills

Mehmet Razgatlıoğlu & Mustafa Ulusoy

pp. 226 - 243   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.439.15

Publish Date: June 01, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 262/532   |   Single/Total Download: 392/877


The study aims to reveal the effect of ABPS on the reading fluency and creative writing skills of third-grade students at primary school. The research study group consists of 56 students, 26 in the experimental group and 30 in the control group, studying in the third grade. While ABPS was implemented in the experimental group, the control group continued their classes according to the Turkish Course Curriculum. The Error Analysis Inventory, Prosodic Reading Scale, Running Record Chart, Accuracy Rate Chart, Prosody Record Chart, and Poetry Writing Rubric were used as data collection tools in the research. The experimental implementation process lasted for 18 weeks. Different reading fluency strategies and poetry writing techniques were used together at each stage of the practice process based on poems. As a result of the research, it was determined that the students in the experimental group made more progress in all sub-dimensions of creative writing than the control group. Additionally, it was found out that the activities contributed to the students' reading rate and prosodic reading skills.

Keywords: Activity-Based Poetry Studies, Poetry, Reading Fluency, Creative Writing, Primary School Students

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APA 7th edition
Razgatlioglu, M., & Ulusoy, M. (2022). The Effect of Activity-Based Poetry Studies on Reading Fluency and Creative Writing Skills. International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(3), 226-243. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.439.15

Razgatlioglu, M. and Ulusoy, M. (2022). The Effect of Activity-Based Poetry Studies on Reading Fluency and Creative Writing Skills. International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(3), pp. 226-243.

Chicago 16th edition
Razgatlioglu, Mehmet and Mustafa Ulusoy (2022). "The Effect of Activity-Based Poetry Studies on Reading Fluency and Creative Writing Skills". International Journal of Progressive Education 18 (3):226-243. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.439.15

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