International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2022, Vol. 18(4) 54-74

Comparative Analysis of The History of Mathematics Content in The Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks of Turkey, Singapore, Ireland and Canada

Nazan Mersin & Mehmet Aki̇f Karabörk

pp. 54 - 74   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2204-14-0008.R2

Published online: August 01, 2022  |   Number of Views: 187  |  Number of Download: 445


This study seeks to offer a comparative analysis of the History of Mathematics (HoM) elements identified in the secondary school mathematics textbooks of different countries. Drawing on document analysis method, this study analyzes the secondary school mathematics textbooks of Turkey, Singapore, Ireland and Canada. The HoM elements in the textbooks are examined in terms of famous mathematicians they present, civilization they are related to, content type, associated learning area and whereabouts they are inserted in the text. This study concludes that the textbooks of Ireland present the highest number of HoM elements quantitatively, and Ireland is followed by Turkey, Singapore and Canada, respectively. The most mentioned mathematicians in the HoM elements are Al-Khwarizmi and Pythagoras; further, the most mentioned civilization is Ancient Egypt. Further, Singapore and Canada prioritize discussion-project whereas Ireland and Turkey focus on history of concepts. Moreover, Turkey, Ireland and Canada present the highest number of HoM elements in the learning area of geometry and measurement.  Singapore has the highest number of HoM elements in the area of numbers and operations. This study reveals that the countries do not sufficiently incorporate HoM into their textbooks. The countries with relatively higher number of HoM elements like Ireland use HoM for motivational purposes, rather than for teaching purposes.

Keywords: History of Mathematics Textbooks, International Comparison, Comparative Education Mathematics Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Mersin, N. & Karabork, M.A. (2022). Comparative Analysis of The History of Mathematics Content in The Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks of Turkey, Singapore, Ireland and Canada . International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(4), 54-74. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2022.459.5

Mersin, N. and Karabork, M. (2022). Comparative Analysis of The History of Mathematics Content in The Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks of Turkey, Singapore, Ireland and Canada . International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(4), pp. 54-74.

Chicago 16th edition
Mersin, Nazan and Mehmet Aki̇f Karabork (2022). "Comparative Analysis of The History of Mathematics Content in The Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks of Turkey, Singapore, Ireland and Canada ". International Journal of Progressive Education 18 (4):54-74. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2022.459.5.

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