Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(1) 84-98

A Comparative Evaluation of Social Studies Preservice Teachers’ Views on Face-to-Face and Electronic Service Learning

Kudret Aykırı

pp. 84 - 98   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.517.6

Publish Date: February 01, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 69/370   |   Single/Total Download: 94/530


There have been transformations in the SL approach due to technological advances and mandatory processes such as the pandemic. Thus, besides the traditional (face-to-face) service learning (T-SL) approach, two more types of SL approaches emerged: Electronic service learning (E-SL) and hybrid service learning (H-SL). The aim of this study is to compare the social studies preservice teachers' views on T-SL and E-SL. In this context, the case study method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Participants in the study were selected according to criterion sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods. The participants are 30 preservice teachers studying in the department of social studies education at a state university. Preservice teachers experienced the H-SL type during the emergency remote education process in the spring semester of 2019-2020. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form, which underwent expert review and was piloted. The obtained data were analyzed with descriptive analysis technique. Validity and reliability were ensured in the study. The role of the researcher was given and attention was paid to ethical considerations. According to the results of the study, most of the participants found the T-SL process more meaningful. There were also participants with a tendency to H-SL. Still, participants had a tendency to H-SL That is because the advantages of E-SL (increasing digital competence, providing motivation, providing convenience) were many. However; there were many problems (lack of infrastructure, unwillingness of the target audience, lack of opportunities, not being able to arrange the meeting time and confusion during the meeting, difficulty in finding the target individual/group/audience, and insufficient digital competence) in the E-SL process. These problems were sometimes unresolved. However, the participants had experienced methods and suggestions regarding its resolution. In the context of all this information, recommendations were made for future studies.

Keywords: E-Service Learning (E-SL), Traditional Service Learning (T-SL), Hybrid Service Learning (H-SL), Emergency Remote Education, Distance Education, Hybrid Education

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APA 7th edition
Aykiri, K. (2023). A Comparative Evaluation of Social Studies Preservice Teachers’ Views on Face-to-Face and Electronic Service Learning. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(1), 84-98. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.517.6

Aykiri, K. (2023). A Comparative Evaluation of Social Studies Preservice Teachers’ Views on Face-to-Face and Electronic Service Learning. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(1), pp. 84-98.

Chicago 16th edition
Aykiri, Kudret (2023). "A Comparative Evaluation of Social Studies Preservice Teachers’ Views on Face-to-Face and Electronic Service Learning". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (1):84-98. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2023.517.6

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