International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(2) 74-91

Developing a Culture-Adapted Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program

Hali̇l İbrahi̇m Özok & Fuat Tanhan

pp. 74 - 91   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2208-07-0005

Published online: April 01, 2023  |   Number of Views: 105  |  Number of Download: 371


Stress is part of survival as a driving force, but excessive stress can cause mental and physical harm. According on the circumstances and time of time, stress manifests itself in various ways and causes a variety of symptoms. In this context, numerous sorts of studies on stress and coping mechanisms have been conducted since people's methods of dealing with stress vary from one individual to the next and from one culture to another. This study, which uses empirical research, looks at the outcomes of a stress-reduction program developed using mindfulness principles that have been culturally adjusted. This program has been tested on the level of life satisfaction, mindfulness, and stress levels of individuals. The program was called as the “Culture-Adapted Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program” (CAMSR). In this study, 2x3 experimental model was used with the pre-test, post-test, follow-up test, and control-experimental groups.  As a result of the analyzes, it can be said that culture-adapted stress reduction program has shown significant differences between the groups (control and experimental groups) in terms of three variables. The results show that CAMSR has a positive and lasting impact on each of the three factors.

Keywords: Mindfulness, Culture-adapted, Stress, Program

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ozok, H.I. & Tanhan, F. (2023). Developing a Culture-Adapted Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(2), 74-91. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2023.534.5

Ozok, H. and Tanhan, F. (2023). Developing a Culture-Adapted Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(2), pp. 74-91.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozok, Hali̇l Ibrahi̇m and Fuat Tanhan (2023). "Developing a Culture-Adapted Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program ". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (2):74-91. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2023.534.5.

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