International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(4) 70-83

The Invisible Battle: Investigating the Relationship Between Coronavirus Stress, Affective Balance, Mindfulness, and Psychological Health in University Students During the Pandemic

Furkan Kaşıkcı, Burak Can Korkmaz & Neslihan Güney Karaman

pp. 70 - 83   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2304-03-0005.R1

Published online: August 01, 2023  |   Number of Views: 62  |  Number of Download: 441


This study examines the effect of coronavirus stress, affective balance, and mindfulness on psychological health. The participant group of the study consisted of 692 university students, 391 (56.5%) of whom were female and 301 (43.5%) of whom were male. The mean age of participants was 21.08 (Sd = 1.91). Results indicated that coronavirus stress was significantly and negatively related to positive affect, mindfulness, and psychological health but positively to negative affect. The relationship between coronavirus stress and psychological health was partially and serially mediated by affective balance and mindfulness. These findings suggest that affective balance and mindfulness are important mechanisms that may help explain the effect of coronavirus stress on psychological health.

Keywords: Coronavirus Stress; Affective Balance; Mindfulness; Psychological Health

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Kasikci, F., Korkmaz, B.C. & Karaman, N.G. (2023). The Invisible Battle: Investigating the Relationship Between Coronavirus Stress, Affective Balance, Mindfulness, and Psychological Health in University Students During the Pandemic . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(4), 70-83. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2023.579.5

Kasikci, F., Korkmaz, B. and Karaman, N. (2023). The Invisible Battle: Investigating the Relationship Between Coronavirus Stress, Affective Balance, Mindfulness, and Psychological Health in University Students During the Pandemic . International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(4), pp. 70-83.

Chicago 16th edition
Kasikci, Furkan, Burak Can Korkmaz and Neslihan Guney Karaman (2023). "The Invisible Battle: Investigating the Relationship Between Coronavirus Stress, Affective Balance, Mindfulness, and Psychological Health in University Students During the Pandemic ". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (4):70-83. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2023.579.5.

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