Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(5) 207-224

Nurturing Young Minds and Bodies: Exploring Critical Media Literacy Through Healthy Food Adventures

Şerife Cengiz & Tolga Kargın

pp. 207 - 224   |  DOI:

Publish Date: October 16, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 139/339   |   Single/Total Download: 201/438


This study aimed to help young children understand media better and develop healthy eating habits through fun and engaging activities that encourage critical thinking about media content. These activities were designed for children aged 60 to 72 months and were part of an action research project. Eleven children participated in the study, and the results showed that initially, they had limited knowledge about healthy eating and how media works. However, after taking part in the media literacy activities, they became better at analyzing media content and realized that not everything they see in advertisements is accurate. As a result, their awareness of healthy eating improved significantly. This research highlights the potential benefits of teaching media literacy to young children, which can positively influence their overall development and enhance their critical thinking skills on real-world issues.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Critical Media Literacy, Nutritional Awareness, Action Research

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Cengiz, S., & Kargin, T. (2023). Nurturing Young Minds and Bodies: Exploring Critical Media Literacy Through Healthy Food Adventures. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(5), 207-224.

Cengiz, S. and Kargin, T. (2023). Nurturing Young Minds and Bodies: Exploring Critical Media Literacy Through Healthy Food Adventures. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(5), pp. 207-224.

Chicago 16th edition
Cengiz, Serife and Tolga Kargin (2023). "Nurturing Young Minds and Bodies: Exploring Critical Media Literacy Through Healthy Food Adventures". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (5):207-224.

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