Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(1) 105-121

‘We are a Chinese school’: Constructing school identity from the lived experiences of expatriate and Chinese teaching faculty in a Type C international school in Shanghai, China.

Adam Poole

pp. 105 - 121   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 11, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 905/1.694   |   Single/Total Download: 1.280/3.514


This study explores school identity by analysing the perceptions of Chinese and expatriate teachers in a Type C, non-traditional international school in Shanghai, China. The purpose of this study was to build on Hayden's (2016) work by offering a detailed description of this type of school which continues to be under researched. A mixed-methods approach was adopted that explored the school's identity on three levels: the rhetorical, the curricula, and the lived. The data revealed considerable discontinuity between these levels, particularly from the perspective of the international teachers. The findings are discussed in relation to cultural scripts for teaching and learning and institutional logics and implications are drawn for creating a more interculturally inclusive school ethos.

Keywords: school identity, mixed methods, curricula, international schools

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Poole, A. (2018). ‘We are a Chinese school’: Constructing school identity from the lived experiences of expatriate and Chinese teaching faculty in a Type C international school in Shanghai, China.. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(1), 105-121.

Poole, A. (2018). ‘We are a Chinese school’: Constructing school identity from the lived experiences of expatriate and Chinese teaching faculty in a Type C international school in Shanghai, China.. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(1), pp. 105-121.

Chicago 16th edition
Poole, Adam (2018). "‘We are a Chinese school’: Constructing school identity from the lived experiences of expatriate and Chinese teaching faculty in a Type C international school in Shanghai, China.". International Journal of Progressive Education 14 (1):105-121.

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