International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2024, Vol. 20(1) 13-30

The Effect of 5E-FCM Practices on Achievement, Motivation, and Autonomous Learning and Students' Opinions

Filiz Tuba Dikkartın Övez & Mihrap Baygeldi

pp. 13 - 30   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2308-30-0002

Published online: February 05, 2024  |   Number of Views: 100  |  Number of Download: 426


This study aimed to determine the effect of 5E-Based Flipped Classroom Model (5E-FCM) applications on students' achievement, motivation, and autonomous learning in teaching 6th-grade multiplication with fractions and to determine students' opinions about the applications. The study was based on the embedded design, which is one of the mixed method designs. The study group consisted of 60 sixth-grade students using the convenience sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods. As data collection tools, the Achievement Test, Motivation Scale, Autonomous Learning Scale, and semi-structured interview form were used. The data obtained were evaluated using t-tests for related and unrelated samples, and descriptive statistics for frequency, percentage, and mean values. As a result of the 5E-FCM teaching applications carried out in the study, it was determined that the post-test achievement mean scores and autonomous learning mean scores were significant in favor of the experimental group; the motivation levels of the experimental group students towards the course after the application were at a high level and increased significantly. Content analysis of students' opinions on 5E-FCM applications revealed that students expressed positive opinions that they had their own learning opportunities in the process and reinforced the subject.

Keywords: 5E-FCM, achievement, autonomous learning, motivation, mathematics teaching

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Ovez, F.T.D. & Baygeldi, M. (2024). The Effect of 5E-FCM Practices on Achievement, Motivation, and Autonomous Learning and Students' Opinions . International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(1), 13-30. doi: 10.29329/ijpe.2024.646.2

Ovez, F. and Baygeldi, M. (2024). The Effect of 5E-FCM Practices on Achievement, Motivation, and Autonomous Learning and Students' Opinions . International Journal of Progressive Education, 20(1), pp. 13-30.

Chicago 16th edition
Ovez, Filiz Tuba Dikkartin and Mihrap Baygeldi (2024). "The Effect of 5E-FCM Practices on Achievement, Motivation, and Autonomous Learning and Students' Opinions ". International Journal of Progressive Education 20 (1):13-30. doi:10.29329/ijpe.2024.646.2.

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