International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

International Journal of Progressive Education 2016, Vol. 12(1) 13-20

The Effects of Using Animations on Sixth Grade Students’ Academic Success in Turkish Grammar Learning

Mesut Gün

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  United States 148 331
  France 106 122
Unknown 21 35
  Russian Federation 19 39
  Turkey 12 29
  China 8 21
  India 7 10
  Thailand 4 7
  Philippines 4 38
  Singapore 3 6
  Indonesia 2 11
  Nigeria 2 4
  Korea, Republic of 2 2
  Europe 1 3
  Bangladesh 1 2
  Germany 1 4
  Hong Kong 1 1
  Malaysia 1 3
  Ghana 1 1
  Australia 0 1
  Oman 0 2
  Japan 0 2
  Kenya 0 1
  Palestinian Territory 0 2
Asia/Pacific Region 0 7
  Egypt 0 1
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 0 1
  Vietnam 0 2
  Uganda 0 1
  Jordan 0 2
  Canada 0 2
  Lebanon 0 2
  Saudi Arabia 0 1
  Italy 0 1
  United Kingdom 0 2
  Ukraine 0 4
  Sweden 0 2
Total 37 countries