International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(3) 161-180

Reflective Teaching Practices in Teachers and Their Attitudes Toward Professional Self-development

Eman Gheith & Nahil Aljaberi

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  United States 245 446
  France 112 116
  United Kingdom 54 96
Unknown 45 131
  Turkey 34 64
  Russian Federation 30 40
  India 21 42
  China 21 36
  Australia 18 33
  Indonesia 17 26
  Ethiopia 14 22
  Jordan 14 37
  Pakistan 13 24
  Thailand 12 17
  Europe 5 14
  Philippines 5 25
  Saudi Arabia 5 18
  Hong Kong 4 5
  Germany 4 9
  Ireland 3 5
  Namibia 3 4
  South Africa 3 9
  Singapore 3 4
  Korea, Republic of 3 4
  Netherlands 3 5
  Canada 3 9
  Myanmar 3 13
  Egypt 3 4
  Bangladesh 2 2
  Finland 2 2
  Mexico 2 4
  Oman 2 4
  Malaysia 2 5
  Algeria 2 5
  Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 11
  Sweden 2 2
  Morocco 2 2
  Ghana 2 3
  Switzerland 1 1
  Kenya 1 1
  Hungary 1 3
  Lebanon 1 5
  Peru 1 3
Asia/Pacific Region 1 3
  Colombia 1 3
  Kazakhstan 1 2
  Iraq 1 1
  Bahrain 1 2
  Nigeria 1 1
  Costa Rica 1 1
  Bulgaria 1 2
  Romania 1 1
  Libya 1 1
  United Arab Emirates 1 2
  Vietnam 1 3
  Trinidad and Tobago 1 1
  New Zealand 1 3
Unknown 1 5
  Brunei Darussalam 1 1
  Malta 1 1
  Lithuania 1 2
  Barbados 1 1
  Spain 1 1
  Portugal 1 1
  Sri Lanka 0 6
  Estonia 0 1
  Argentina 0 1
  Chile 0 1
  Italy 0 1
  Israel 0 1
  Ukraine 0 2
  Botswana 0 1
  Slovakia 0 1
  Serbia 0 3
  Poland 0 5
  Palestine 0 2
  Cameroon 0 1
  Kyrgyzstan 0 1
  Latvia 0 1
  Malawi 0 1
  Anguilla 0 1
  Uganda 0 1
  Nepal 0 2
  Gibraltar 0 1
  Kuwait 0 1
Total 85 countries