Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2019, Vol. 15(5) 1-18

Using Inquiry-Based Experiments to Improve Pre-Service Science Teachers' Science Process Skills

Bekir Güler & Mehmet Şahin

pp. 1 - 18   |  DOI:

Publish Date: October 16, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 363/1.044   |   Single/Total Download: 469/1.892


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of inquiry-based experiments on pre-service science teachers' science process skills. The study group consisted of 60 pre-service teachers in total, enrolled in the undergraduate program of Science Teacher Education, Faculty of Education at a state university. The study which used randomized quasi-experimental design with pre-test ' post-test and control group, designed as a mixed method study. Experimental practices were performed within a 10-week period. Science Process Skills Observation Form, developed by the researchers, was used as data collection tool in the study. IBM SPSS Statistics software was used for the analysis of quantitative data and content analysis was employed for analyzing the qualitative data. As a result of the analyses, inquiry-based experiments were more successful than confirmatory ones in terms of improving the science process skills of pre-service teachers. It is estimated that the results of this study will significantly contribute to the planning processes of teacher education programs as well as to the future studies on inquiry-based learning.

Keywords: Inquiry-based science teaching, Science process skills, Pre-service science teachers, Science education.

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APA 7th edition
Guler, B., & Sahin, M. (2019). Using Inquiry-Based Experiments to Improve Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Science Process Skills. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(5), 1-18.

Guler, B. and Sahin, M. (2019). Using Inquiry-Based Experiments to Improve Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Science Process Skills. International Journal of Progressive Education, 15(5), pp. 1-18.

Chicago 16th edition
Guler, Bekir and Mehmet Sahin (2019). "Using Inquiry-Based Experiments to Improve Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Science Process Skills". International Journal of Progressive Education 15 (5):1-18.

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