Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2020, Vol. 16(2) 248-261

Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO

Nazire Burcin Hamutoglu, Murat Topal & Deniz Mertkan Gezgin

pp. 248 - 261   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.17

Publish Date: April 02, 2020  |   Number of Views: 3031  |  Number of Download: 6038


In this study, it is aimed to investigate direct and indirect effects of Social Media Addiction (SMA), Social Media Usage (DSMU) and Personality Traits beyond BIG 5 on Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). The research was based on quantitative research methods conducted in accordance with the relational survey model and 845 prospective students studying at Sakarya University Faculty of Education were included by stratified sampling method. The path analysis was performed to examine the direct and indirect effects of the variables by AMOS and SPSS. The results show that FOMO directly and positively predicted by SMA, and DSMU had a significant and positive effect on SMA while DSMU having no effect on FOMO. Finally, the results on personality traits and FOMO indicated that agreeableness (AGR) personality trait had a positive effect on FOMO while other personality traits did not. In the study, results were discussed within the framework of the literature.

Keywords: FOMO, personality traits, social media addiction, social media usage, prospective teachers.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Hamutoglu, N.B., Topal, M., & Gezgin, D.M. (2020). Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), 248-261. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.17

Hamutoglu, N., Topal, M. and Gezgin, D. (2020). Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(2), pp. 248-261.

Chicago 16th edition
Hamutoglu, Nazire Burcin, Murat Topal and Deniz Mertkan Gezgin (2020). "Investigating Direct and Indirect Effects of Social Media Addiction, Social Media Usage and Personality Traits on FOMO". International Journal of Progressive Education 16 (2):248-261. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2020.241.17

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