Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(1) 129-144

Investigating of Primary School Teacher Candidates' Mathematics Teaching Performance According to Peer Assessments: Example of Teaching Practice

Asena Ayvaz Can

pp. 129 - 144   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 157/776   |   Single/Total Download: 203/1.268


The aim of this research is to examine developments of primary school teacher candidates' mathematics teaching performance according to peer assessment. Primary school teacher candidates practiced teaching skills within the scope of the Teaching Practice. This research is a longitudinal study. The research's study group has fifty-eight primary school teacher candidates. According to the results of the research, peers rated primary school teacher candidates' final mathematics teaching performance higher than their first mathematics teaching performance. According to the peer assessment, primary school teacher candidates' mathematics teaching performance has improved over time. Accordingly, a significant difference was found in the first (preparation for lesson and lesson association) and second (teaching process) sub-dimensions of the scale when first mathematics teaching performance scores controlled. The source of the difference between peer assessment scores regarding first and second sub-dimensions of the scale can be said the number of teaching practices in mathematics. The primary school teacher candidates who practiced 2 times in mathematics got lower scores in the first and second sub-dimensions than those who practiced 3 and 4 times. According the result, primary school teacher candidates should practice at least 3 times in order to ensure their development 'preparation for lesson and lesson association' and 'teaching process' for mathematics teaching performance.

Keywords: Mathematics Teaching Performance, Primary School Teacher Candidate, Teaching Practice, Peer Assessment

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Can, A.A. (2021). Investigating of Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Mathematics Teaching Performance According to Peer Assessments: Example of Teaching Practice. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), 129-144.

Can, A. (2021). Investigating of Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Mathematics Teaching Performance According to Peer Assessments: Example of Teaching Practice. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(1), pp. 129-144.

Chicago 16th edition
Can, Asena Ayvaz (2021). "Investigating of Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Mathematics Teaching Performance According to Peer Assessments: Example of Teaching Practice". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (1):129-144.

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