Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(3) 169-184

An Analysis of the Relationship between the Metaphorical Perceptions of Classroom Teacher Candidates Towards Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction and Their Learning Approaches

Bülent Nuri Özcan & Özlem Ateş

pp. 169 - 184   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2021.346.11

Publish Date: June 07, 2021  |   Number of Views: 618  |  Number of Download: 1058


This study aims to reveal the perceptions that classroom teacher candidates have regarding the concept of computer-assisted mathematics instruction (CAMI), with the help of metaphors. Furthermore, the another aim of the study of this study consists of an analysis of whether these metaphors differed based on the teacher candidates’ learning approaches. The descriptive and relational survey model was employed in the study. The study group was comprised of 90 teacher candidates, who were first-year students at the Department of Primary Education of a Faculty of Education in the Aegean Region. In order to determine the metaphoric perceptions of the teacher candidates, they were initially asked to complete the sentence “Computer-assisted mathematics instruction is like ........, because ......”. The data were interpreted, using the content analysis technique. Moreover, they were subjected to a scale for the purpose of analyzing whether there were any differences between the metaphors at different levels of learning approaches. The metaphors were found to be included in the categories “CAMI with positive aspects”, “CAMI with negative aspects”, “CAMI in terms of structural aspects” and CAMI with neutral aspects”. Upon the comparison of these categories to the learning approaches, it was found that teachers, who adopted the “deep” and “strategic” learning approach, had a much more positive perception, while those adopting the “surface” learning approach had a negative perception. Additionally, it was observed that teacher candidates, who rather put emphasis on the structural aspects and conditions of CAMI, were the ones to adopt the strategic learning approach. Thus, determination of the learning approaches adopted by teacher candidates and an analysis of their perceptions towards a number of concepts are considered to be significant as they could be effective in the course of their educational lives and in the processes of becoming role models when they start the profession.

Keywords: Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction, Learning Approach, Classroom Teacher Candidates, Metaphor

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ozcan, B.N., & Ates, O. (2021). An Analysis of the Relationship between the Metaphorical Perceptions of Classroom Teacher Candidates Towards Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction and Their Learning Approaches. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(3), 169-184. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2021.346.11

Ozcan, B. and Ates, O. (2021). An Analysis of the Relationship between the Metaphorical Perceptions of Classroom Teacher Candidates Towards Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction and Their Learning Approaches. International Journal of Progressive Education, 17(3), pp. 169-184.

Chicago 16th edition
Ozcan, Bulent Nuri and Ozlem Ates (2021). "An Analysis of the Relationship between the Metaphorical Perceptions of Classroom Teacher Candidates Towards Computer-Assisted Mathematics Instruction and Their Learning Approaches". International Journal of Progressive Education 17 (3):169-184. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2021.346.11

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