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International Journal of Progressive Education 2009, Vol. 5(1) 45-68

A Comparative Analysis of Assessment and Evaluation Exercises Included in Geography Textbooks Written According to the 2005 Secondary Education Geography Curriculum and Textbooks of the Former Curriculum in   Turkey

Okan Yasar

pp. 45 - 68

Publish Date: February 15, 2009  |   Number of Views: 423  |  Number of Download: 702


This study conducts a comparative analysis of  the  assessment  and  evaluation  exercises in the geography textbooks written according to the Secondary Education Geography Curriculum for 2005 in Turkey with those in the former geography textbooks. In this respect, firstly, the assessment and evaluation studies included in geography textbooks written according to the former and the new  geography  curriculum have been analysed in quantitative and qualitative terms, then the development of the new curriculum in terms of assessment and evaluation studies and their application dimension have been identified. The study  has  showed  that assessment and evaluation studies in geography textbooks written according to  the  2005 secondary education geography curriculum had more effective characteristics in terms of their quality and the  inclusion of  different assessment and evaluation tools  and methods compared to assessment and evaluation studies in the textbooks of the former program.


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APA 7th edition
Yasar, O. (2009). A Comparative Analysis of Assessment and Evaluation Exercises Included in Geography Textbooks Written According to the 2005 Secondary Education Geography Curriculum and Textbooks of the Former Curriculum in   Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 5(1), 45-68.

Yasar, O. (2009). A Comparative Analysis of Assessment and Evaluation Exercises Included in Geography Textbooks Written According to the 2005 Secondary Education Geography Curriculum and Textbooks of the Former Curriculum in   Turkey. International Journal of Progressive Education, 5(1), pp. 45-68.

Chicago 16th edition
Yasar, Okan (2009). "A Comparative Analysis of Assessment and Evaluation Exercises Included in Geography Textbooks Written According to the 2005 Secondary Education Geography Curriculum and Textbooks of the Former Curriculum in   Turkey". International Journal of Progressive Education 5 (1):45-68.

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