Original article | International Journal of Progressive Education 2017, Vol. 13(3) 50-60
Zehra Esra Ketenoğlu Kayabaşı
pp. 50 - 60 | Manu. Number: ijpe.2017.026
Published online: October 08, 2017 | Number of Views: 329 | Number of Download: 913
This study aimed to try to understand the views and attitudes of classroom teachers concerning students with reading difficulties. Data was collected using the semi-structured interview technique, which is among the qualitative data collection techniques. The researcher prepared a semi-structured interview with 5 questions to be addressed to classroom teachers. The findings were assessed under the headings “determination of reading difficulties”, “reasons for reading difficulties”, “effect of reading difficulties”, “methods used by teachers to cope with reading difficulties” and “expectations of help”. Teachers generally stated that they determined the presence of reading difficulties through knowing students’ families, their own occupational experiences, students who were behind in class and the characteristics of their students. They associated the reasons for students having reading difficulties primarily with familial problems and then mental and psychological problems. They generally cope with reading difficulties by offering extra classes and giving homework. Teachers state that it is noteworthy that families often request cooperation. Considering the findings of this study, teachers think that the parents of students are central to the reasons behind and solutions to reading difficulties. Moreover, it is seen that children with reading difficulties are exposed to bullying by peers despite all efforts to create a positive classroom environment.
Keywords: Reading difficulties, views of primary teachers, qualitative research
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