Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2022, Vol. 18(6) 1-14

Analysis of Values in Rwanda Lower Primary Grade Children's Storybooks

Sylvestre Ntabajyana, Gabriel Nizeyimana & Wenceslas Nzabalirwa

pp. 1 - 14   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.477.1

Publish Date: December 11, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 153/561   |   Single/Total Download: 222/817


This study examined the values embedded in Rwanda lower primary grade children's storybooks accredited by Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB). The data sources are the stories in grade one, grade two and grade three. Sixty storybooks were analyzed qualitatively using content analysis. The data were analyzed in frequency (f) and percentage (%). The findings show that there are 40 values contained in the 60 analyzed storybooks. The results also show that many books contain human characters compared to non human characters. The percentages of the mostly presented values in the stories are as follows: ‘forgiveness' (9.4%), ‘environment protection' (7.8%), ‘friendship' and ‘dignity of manual work' (4% each), ‘cleanliness' and ‘self-study' (5.5% each), ‘house work duty' (4.7%) and ‘happiness', ‘peace' and ‘helpfulness' (3.9 % each). The least presented values in the stories, with the percentage of 0.8% each, are: ‘curiosity', ‘flexibility' ‘appreciation of cultural values', ‘reverence of old age'; ‘justice', ‘self-respect, ‘animal love', ‘love of mother tongue', ‘play', courtesy', ‘love', ‘simple living', ‘respect', ‘prayer', ‘courage', and ‘democratic decision making'. However, there are some core values to be taught in Rwanda schools which were found absent in the studied stories: ‘patriotism', ‘tolerance' and ‘solidarity'. It was suggested that these core values absent as well as the least presented values be more presented in future storybooks since they are needed for helping Rwandan children to shape their identity as Rwandans.

Keywords: Lower Primary Grade, Values, Value Education, Children’s Storybooks, Stories, Rwanda

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APA 7th edition
Ntabajyana, S., Nizeyimana, G., & Nzabalirwa, W. (2022). Analysis of Values in Rwanda Lower Primary Grade Children’s Storybooks. International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(6), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.477.1

Ntabajyana, S., Nizeyimana, G. and Nzabalirwa, W. (2022). Analysis of Values in Rwanda Lower Primary Grade Children’s Storybooks. International Journal of Progressive Education, 18(6), pp. 1-14.

Chicago 16th edition
Ntabajyana, Sylvestre, Gabriel Nizeyimana and Wenceslas Nzabalirwa (2022). "Analysis of Values in Rwanda Lower Primary Grade Children’s Storybooks". International Journal of Progressive Education 18 (6):1-14. https://doi.org/10.29329/ijpe.2022.477.1


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