Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(2) 1-12
pp. 1 - 12 | DOI:
Publish Date: April 25, 2018 | Single/Total View: 1.077/1.517 | Single/Total Download: 1.568/2.918
Beginning teachers experience a variety of challenges and difficulties as they struggle to develop and progress in their teaching career. The following qualitative case study focused on a novice teacher's perceptions concerning the mentoring experience she received in her practicum course at the American University in Dubai. The study was guided by the following two research questions: (1) What difficulties and challenges did the novice teacher face during her first year of teaching? and (2) What were the novice teacher's perceptions of the mentoring strategies implemented in her practicum course? A questionnaire was sent to the participant during the summer break, and she was asked to answer demographic questions regarding the school and classroom she was teaching in. She was also required to answer in-depth questions regarding the difficulties and challenges she faced as a beginning teacher, the follow up sessions with her mentor, and her perceptions of the mentoring experience. Analysis of the data revealed three themes: difficulties and challenges of a new teacher, lessons from a mentoring experience, and characteristics of an effective mentor. The findings associated with this study are crucial in raising the awareness of school leaders to the needs of beginning teachers. This is an essential step towards working on designing and implementing effective mentoring programs that meet the needs and concerns of beginning teachers.
Keywords: novice teachers, teacher difficulties, mentoring
APA 7th edition
Gholam, A. (2018). A Mentoring Experience: From the Perspective of a Novice Teacher. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), 1-12.
Gholam, A. (2018). A Mentoring Experience: From the Perspective of a Novice Teacher. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), pp. 1-12.
Chicago 16th edition
Gholam, Alain (2018). "A Mentoring Experience: From the Perspective of a Novice Teacher". International Journal of Progressive Education 14 (2):1-12.