Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(2) 121-135
pp. 121 - 135 | DOI:
Publish Date: April 25, 2018 | Single/Total View: 270/1.012 | Single/Total Download: 390/1.971
This study aiming to determine the metaphorical perceptions of prospective teachers regarding Turkey's education policies was modelled in the ‘phenomenological pattern' which one of the qualitative research methods. The study group was 150 prospective teachers. Data was collected using a metaphor form and via focus group interviews. Descriptive analysis and content analysis techniques were used for data analysis. Prospective teachers produced 135 valid metaphors. The most frequently repeated metaphors were chameleon, jigsaw puzzle, play dough, exchange rate, seasons, Black Sea's weather, domino stones, human life, Indian silk, swamp, traditional agriculture, tuning of the oriental instrument, vegetable soup, and weather forecast. The main categories were uncertainty, changeability, inevitableness, subjectivity, anxiety, desperation, instability, inconsistency, and awareness. The metaphors and focus group interview results show that the prospective teachers perceive negatively the frequent changing policies and educational practices.
Keywords: education policy, prospective teacher, metaphor, focus group
APA 7th edition
Sezer, S. (2018). Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions on Education Policy: A Metaphor Analysis. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), 121-135.
Sezer, S. (2018). Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions on Education Policy: A Metaphor Analysis. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), pp. 121-135.
Chicago 16th edition
Sezer, Senol (2018). "Prospective Teachers’ Perceptions on Education Policy: A Metaphor Analysis". International Journal of Progressive Education 14 (2):121-135.