International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 2834-7919   |  e-ISSN: 1554-5210

International Journal of Progressive Education 2021, Vol. 17(5) 279-298

Experiences of Primary School with Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties

Hayati Akyol, Murat Temur & Mustafa Erol

Every views or download of this analysis belongs to a real person or device. Recurring entries via the same IP address are registered as a single visit.

  France 83 87
  United States 64 129
Unknown 55 105
  Turkey 34 64
  Russian Federation 13 20
  Sweden 12 22
  India 10 10
  Australia 7 10
  United Kingdom 4 6
  Norway 3 7
  China 2 2
  South Africa 2 3
  Indonesia 2 2
  Philippines 2 15
  Malaysia 2 6
  Kazakhstan 1 1
  Ethiopia 1 1
  Germany 1 2
  Singapore 1 2
  Tunisia 1 1
  Greece 1 2
  Bolivia 1 1
  Ireland 1 1
  Nigeria 1 2
  Mauritius 0 1
  Fiji 0 1
  Colombia 0 1
  Thailand 0 2
  Sri Lanka 0 1
  Jordan 0 2
  Estonia 0 1
  Oman 0 1
  Tonga 0 2
  Bhutan 0 1
  Namibia 0 1
  Kenya 0 1
  Korea, Republic of 0 1
  Tanzania, United Republic of 0 1
Total 38 countries