International Journal of Progressive Education (IJPE) is owned by a non-profit association, International Association of Educators striving to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to serve the public good. Any surplus generated is either used to support the activities of the association, for investments in new staff and the enhancement of our services for doctoral and early career scholars. IJPE is published under the Print Subscription and Open Acess publishing models.There are no submission fees for this journal. In order to get the subscription information of the journal, please visit:
Authors pay a one-time Article Processing Charge (APC) to support the publication process of their accepted articles. This fee covers the costs of peer review, editing, production (including PDF and other formats), and dissemination. Importantly, there are no charges for rejected submissions, no submission fees, and no surcharges based on article length, figures, or supplementary data. Additionally, certain item types like editorials, corrections, and addendums are published free of charge.
Total publication fee (APC) per article is 200 USD.
For transparency, we provide a detailed breakdown of how APCs are used. This breakdown aligns with recommendations from the Fair Open Access Alliance and ensures full compliance with Plan S requirements, both of which promote sustainable and transparent open access publishing practices.
INASED develops and maintains its own electronic submission and peer-review website. INASED also runs several platforms to offer different types of services for member associations and doctoral and early career scholars.
INASED pays a travel grant to the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editors.
Corresponding authors without access to institutional funding options with primary affiliations based in countries defined by the World Bank as Low-Income Economies, can apply for a 100% fee waiver.