Research article | Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2023, Vol. 19(1) 112-130
pp. 112 - 130 | DOI:
Publish Date: February 01, 2023 | Single/Total View: 166/397 | Single/Total Download: 240/549
This study aimed to investigate how awareness of pre-service teachers is reflected in the process when making oral and written arguments, the effect of using modal representations on the quality of the argument, what modal representations students use when making arguments, and what modal representations they consider important (especially when defending their claims). The method of the research is the convergent parallel design, one of the mixed research methods. The sample of the study consists of 2nd grade pre-service teachers (N=83) studying at a state university in the north east of Turkey, selected by convenience sampling method. In the quantitative dimension of the study, Argumentation-based inquiry (ABI) reports evaluation form was used, while in the qualitative dimension, video recordings, semi-structured interviews and photographs (presentation board pictures) and ABI reports were used as data collection tools. Analysis shows pre-service teachers need an education or an activity to raise awareness. The pre-service teachers who gained this awareness use different types of representation in a larger number and variety and do this in order to serve a purpose (such as defending their claims).
Keywords: Argumentation-Based Inquiry, Multi Modal Representation, Multiple Representation, Quality of the Argument
APA 7th edition
Yesildag-Hasancebi, F. (2023). Impact of Pre-Service Teachers' Awareness of Using Multiple Representations on the Argumentation-Based Inquiry Process. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(1), 112-130.
Yesildag-Hasancebi, F. (2023). Impact of Pre-Service Teachers' Awareness of Using Multiple Representations on the Argumentation-Based Inquiry Process. International Journal of Progressive Education, 19(1), pp. 112-130.
Chicago 16th edition
Yesildag-Hasancebi, Funda (2023). "Impact of Pre-Service Teachers' Awareness of Using Multiple Representations on the Argumentation-Based Inquiry Process". International Journal of Progressive Education 19 (1):112-130.