Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Progressive Education 2018, Vol. 14(1) 8-20

The Effect of Layered Curriculum on Reflective Thinking and on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Prospective Teachers

Ilke Evin Gencel & A. Seda Saracaloğlu

pp. 8 - 20   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 11, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 877/1.364   |   Single/Total Download: 1.173/2.628


Teachers are important role models for pupils. They should be reflective practitioners and self-directed learners. Teacher training process should promote being a reflective thinker and a self-directed learner. Curriculum should be designed in accordance with constructivism. The aim of this research is to investigate effects of layered curriculum on pre-service teachers' reflective thinking level and on self-directed learning readiness. In this study sequential mixed method design is used. A pretest-posttest control group design (quantitative phase) and a semi-structured interview (qualitative phase) are used. Layered curriculum is determined to have positive effects on participants' reflective thinking level and self-directed learning. According to findings of this research, layered curriculum can be an alternative way to improve pre-service teachers' readiness for self-directed learning and reflective thinking levels.

Keywords: Layered curriculum, reflective thinking, self-directed learning, teacher training

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Gencel, I.E., & Saracaloglu, A.S. (2018). The Effect of Layered Curriculum on Reflective Thinking and on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Prospective Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(1), 8-20.

Gencel, I. and Saracaloglu, A. (2018). The Effect of Layered Curriculum on Reflective Thinking and on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Prospective Teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(1), pp. 8-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Gencel, Ilke Evin and A. Seda Saracaloglu (2018). "The Effect of Layered Curriculum on Reflective Thinking and on Self-Directed Learning Readiness of Prospective Teachers". International Journal of Progressive Education 14 (1):8-20.

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